Tag Archives: technology

re:mix a proposal about identities and borders

I found this interesting Call For Curators by International ArtExpo Festivals. The idea is that a curator or group of film artists can submit a proposal and present a hybrid event in Photography, Video Art, CG and Performing Arts, among others.

call for curators

The main theme is the Hybridization and mixing of Identities and borders.

Nowadays, urban environments, people, rules and limits are no more distinct realities, but they constantly modify and get mixed together, generating new connections and hybrid results. Ethic, social, sexual and religious borders get confused and we feel free to overcome and change all the limits, creating and showing a new type of identity: a crossbreed of characters inserts into a metropolis in which you can find everything you need and become everything you desire.

International ArtExpo is a not for profit organization dedicated to contemporary art and video art that provides a significant forum for cultural dialogue between all artists from different cultures and countries. Its object is to use new technologies to globalize the language of art, to connect the conceptual points of contact of artists working in every part of the world, all united in the thick plot of the world net and with one will: to communicate through art, a language that transcends boundaries and geographical barriers.

International ArtExpo
Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 33
70122 Bari (Italy)



(part 2) Why is this blog called “Movies Without Cameras” ?

One of my favourite philosophy books is “Introduction to Metaphysics” by Henri Bergson, the “cinematic philosopher” who explored matter, memory and motion at the turn of centuries 19 and 20. Bergson saw links between the new art and science of cinema and almost everything around us. He made “Movies without cameras” inside his head.

A century-plus later, we make movies with smartphones, glasses and watches. We make images, that is, not always movies. What is a movie then? Or, as the film school jargon imposes, what is film?

Who are movies made for? Are they for audiences (yes) or for your the pleasure, or personal growth of the makers (also)?

This blog is called “Movies Without Cameras” because it is about thinking about movies and stories, but also about trying to get movies made in a simple and cheap way.

Is this blog for you? Well, this is who I am writing this blog for (the target)


a) trying to say something with your voice as a film (but need an alternative approach?)
B) looking for a niche audience (that can become your crowd?)
C) interested in making movies (with new tech)
D) tired of movies as stars, money and celebrity (…)
E) studying Theory of film (but want to try making one, in Practice?)
F) with a film in post-production (and want feedback?)
G) under 25 years old (and looking for Youth Cinema funding)
H) who are writing scripts
I) looking for skills leading to a job in film & media (less is not more here)


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