Dave McClure – Startup Metrics for Pirates

I posted this Dave McClure tech talk because the strategies for new companies and those for innovation films aremore similar than you would think. If you are making a film that has (really) never been made before, you will need to find, attract and retain your crowd. Plus Dave is a funny speaker.

Startup Studios -> users = audiences

Play, story, grow.

Educators use story more and more. Making stories is a fun class activity that frees the imagination, gives value to personal and group process, and creates new knowledge and experience in many forms. Beau Lotto [Lottolabs.org] explores alternative paths to scientific discovery with kids . He told me “Film is a wonderful medium in which to explore the issues of asking questions”. See Beau’s TED talk here:


Write a script or a story?

Stories frame the boundaries of what we believe. Personal story defines the identity of brands as well as individuals, focusing our feelings on the real choices and dilemmas that we face.
There are excellent web sites to learn “how to sell a script” and “how to craft a story like a pro”. They tell you Why your story is not working or What your story needs, but often ignore the objective difficulty of development.  How to conquer the blank pace? How to design a story space that is both structured and flexible, character driven and plot based.

“Jumping Jasper” alias “Hopp”

A man wants to jump from a building. A hobo is looking for food in a dumpster below. Who will give way?

A one-act play written by Yair Packer and adapted as a short by Cinemahead with students from the Molkom Folkhögskola in Sweden. The director is Sofia Linn Karlsson.


I get email queries from writers and filmmakers I met around the world. It’s one on one talk about films to be made.

“Youth Cinema” makers, if the top-down term doesn’t offend you, means under 28 and could use some help.

Idea but no clear path to develop it. Read all the Guru books and spent money on coverage (over-critiqued, over-memorized rules ) and the cinematic imaginative self now stutters for approval? Read this blog.

Mentor for a project. Cinemahead also re-edits movies and proof-reads (industry format pro subtitles). World cinema has no time or budget for decent subtitles.

One of the reasons for starting this blog is to open the Cinemahead process to those I have never met before. at workshops, for example.

Looking forward to go under the surface of movies and ideas.
