AMATEUR goes Big.

Watch this upcoming film post by the makers of the nofilmschool community. They ran a kickstarter project and are looking to go Big (as in “feature”) with this story. Here are some notes from their website

The biggest help — do you know anyone in the sports world?

The best way to reach someone is through a connection. So — do you know someone in the sports world? Do you know someone who knows someone? As I posted about it on Kickstarter, reaching out to anyone in the basketball world could be a HUGE help.

Hope you’re well.

A friend of mine, Ryan Koo, released a short film about under-the-table high school basketball recruiting and I think you’ll like it. Give it a minute and I think you’ll watch the whole thing (it’s only 9 minutes):

The filmmaking team is looking for support from the sports world in order to show there’s an audience for the feature, MANCHILD, which is about a 13 year-old phenom and the pressures he faces. This short is a prequel to the feature. Phil Jackson backed their Kickstarter campaign!

Ryan is trying to make the writing process easy, so there’s background info, hi-res photos etc. here for anyone to cover it online:

Thanks for taking the time to check it out.

The best spots ever?

Some ads are memorable. The Cannes Ad festival every year nominates the best ad in the world. The winners of these high-profile industrial competitions are usually big ad companies. If you have’t seen these award-winning ads for Nike, Old Spice and Adidas here is your second chance (life’s all about second chances).

These ads are entirely different, and worth comparing.

The Nike chicken ad comes from Tractor, a Stockholm-L.A. team of directors producers that enjoys a kinda cult status in Sweden. way past Björn Borg and approaching Abba. They’ve done work for pop tarts stars and coke global sodas, and they’ve even taken a comedy shot at hollywood.



Are film-makers innovators?

A film-maker is a “maker” in the open-source sense, a tinkerer with old tools and new technologies. Film-makers use familiar and unfamiliar materials to develop personal takes on story and film.

The meaning, as canadian animator Norman McLaren used to say, is between the frames of a film, between the lines, in the changing relationships and tensions between colours, shapes, the dark and light.

There is a lot of learning going on. Sharing knowledge is the smartest most tangible reward a collective society affords its citizens no matter if they are leaders or followers.  
Check out this short & funny TED talk about starting a movement.  The first person to follow an idea is just as important as the first person who jumped up and down screaming Eureka!


Film-makers are true innovators exploring, digging thru hybrid sources narrative environments to re:mix and share with a crowd they get to kno. Solitary reflections and social encounters. from garage to garage, from lab to classroom, from funded projects to home studios, help feed a landscape of one-of-a-kind miniature film-making platforms bringing together mentors and apprentices, developing and supporting projects and collaborations, encouraging freedom in storytelling and shared making-of experiences.


Firefox Flicks?

It’s a video contest. it’s a chance to win small prizes. Firefox is out to color an open space available to digital makers. The Flicks contest was one example, and the Popcorn Maker is a whole new bag of tricks.

The creative brief

Last year’s flicks


For more indie filmmaking info keep an eye out for the awesome NoFilmschool and the Firefoxflicks


Avant 2013 – Exp. film fest in sweden


AVANT is a yearly Experimental Film Festival in Karlstad

avant poster

Every year the subject for AVANT changes. In 2012 it was comedy with “Avant Goes Witty” and the humorous strand in experimental film, with super-8 programs by the Spanish maker David Domingo (aka Stanley Sunday), British filmmaker John Smith,  and  work by Robert Nelson presented by Mark Toscano, archivist at Academy Film Archive, Los Angeles.  
The program for august 2013 is….?AVANT 2013 will again be  free of charge with online booking.

Make a doc.mob film (and try the Cent-Up beta)

doc.mob manifesto

DocMob is a film practice for the making of miniature documentaries  with available digital equipment.  The idea is to witness local stories and events, and make short-short films. These can be one-person portraits, events, or anything at all. The goal is to document what would otherwise go unseen, with energy in focus, and little planning. DocMobbers can follow a set of simple practical principles, in the Doc.Mob Manifesto.

doc.mob! logo

See what you can do.  (watch doc.mobs)

Centup is a crowdsourced project that allows the online support of projects.  The evolutionary plus is that miniature Centup donations let us distribute – simultaneously with each project “like”- small money to NGOs of choice.

Micro-documentary and Cent-Up share size and speed: small, quick and effective.

Make a Doc.mob make Cents by registering your doc.mob project and trying the Cent-up beta.


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